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The Complete Guide to Portfolio Construction and Management

Recent financial crises have highlighted the fact that events supposed to happen "occasionally" actually occur much more frequently than expected. They have also demonstrated the limits of existing financial theories, which appear outdated and unsuited to the new stock market environment. Now more than ever, we need to reconsider the way we invest and explore new and better paths for managing and growing our capital, and, more importantly, preserving it in the event of a crisis. The time has come for a new approach to building and managing an investment portfolio – one that is flexible and dynamic, able to adapt readily to sudden shifts in market sentiment and adverse market conditions. One that is risk-management oriented rather than focused on expected returns and incorporates a deep understanding of the macroeconomic forces that drive market ebbs and flows. One that factors in behavioural aspects that can influence prices, while exploiting the best of both technical and fundamental analysis.

In The Complete Guide to Portfolio Construction and Management, world class investment adviser and wealth manager Lukasz Snopek shares for the first time his asset allocation and portfolio management strategies that rely on a flexible process based more on the attractiveness of the different asset classes than on any rigidity in their allocation.

He explores these asset classes in detail, highlighting their inherent risks, including the often forgotten inflation, while offering proven strategies for managing those risks. In addition, the author analyses the investment strategies of value investing legends Warren Buffet, Ben Graham and Peter Lynch, extracting powerful lessons from them for every investor. Finally, he develops a comprehensive framework for portfolio construction and management that combines strategic long-term asset allocation with a multifaceted tactical approach integrating macroeconomic, fundamental, technical and behavioural factors making The Complete Guide to Portfolio Construction and Management an indispensable resource for professional managers and private investors of every stripe.



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